Mundane life update

Presbyopia is making itself known to me. I’m beginning to notice that my “default phone screen viewing distance” is too close to read clearly, especially in the dark. It was probably too close anyway — I likely have plenty of time before I need to get bifocals — but at this moment, typing on a phone in the dark is a powerful memento mori.

I’m on my phone in the middle of the night in this moment because my dog woke me up. I need to navigate being patient and gentle with an ageing pup (I’m not the only one getting old over here) and maintaining healthy boundaries (I really can’t handle having my sleep interrupted as often as it has been this week). He’s been sleeping in the same room as my spouse ever since she rescued him, well over a decade ago (and he wasn’t a puppy then), and I am loath to see that taken away. We’ll explore other options before it comes to that.

Lately, I’ve taken to stuffing all of my thoughts about politics, society, climate change, anarchism, etc. into a (digital) notebook. This seems to be doing me some good. It’s nice to get these things out of my head quickly without so much ruminating, and I don’t need to put them anywhere public. TBD whether the putative magic of connected digital notes will lead to any new insights into this set of topics, but that would only be a secondary benefit anyway.
